HD CCL Exam Script (Competitions + Consumer) - SEM 2 2023
Subject notes for Monash LAW4702
This comprehensive script helped me achieve a HD for my exam and the overall unit! It synthesises the overwhelming and complex content into simple, concise sentences for quick application in stressful exam conditions. I have also incorporated examples to prompt speedier problem identification, following ideal answer outlines. Most issues have been considered and integrated into these notes, however, may be subject to changes to the unit curriculum. TOPICS INCLUDED: (Competition Law) - Market Definition - Misuse of Market Power - Exclusive Dealing - Anti-competitive agreements - Mergers and Acquisitions - Resale Price Maintenance (Consumer Law) - Misleading or Deceptive Conduct - Consumer Guarantees - Unfair Terms - Unconscionable Conduct Note Topics relating to Liability of Manufacturers of Goods with Safety Defects and Product Safety Standards are excluded
Semester 2, 2023
198 pages
92,412 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
January 2021