✅ 90 HD APPROVED - MLL334 / MLP334 Evidence Comprehensive Exam Notes (Updated for 2024)
Subject notes for Deakin MLL334
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL334 / MLP334 (Revised for 2024). This is all I used for the exam. I have spent countless hours compiling these notes. My mark was 90 HD for the subject. I scored 91% in the exam using only these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc which I have summarised into concise and easy to follow step-by-step guide to answer evidence exam questions. These notes cover the following topics: > INTRODUCTION TO THE UNIFORM EVIDENCE ACTS > ADDUCING EVIDENCE > DOCUMENTS; OTHER EVIDENCE > ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE > RELEVANCE > HEARSAY > OPINION EVIDENCE > ADMISSIONS > TENDENCY AND COINCIDENCE > CREDIBILITY > PRIVLEGES > DISCRETIONARY AND MANDATORY EXCLUSIONS Hope these comprehensive notes help you smash Evidence!
Trimester 1, 2023
71 pages
29,408 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
March 2016