Full summary notes for exam
Subject notes for UTS 70327
I created this note using different materials from lecture notes, textbooks, tutorial materials and other books relating to the topic. It was for 6 hours exam, so my goal is to provide a comprehensive note which is easy to follow. Because the exam was within certain timeframe, I want to make sure my notes include a comprehensive detail about each topic and what you will need to consider when considering the exam questions, each point will be backed up with authority, extract the relevant legislation and summary of case law. So that when it comes to the exam, I will get everything handy to start my exam and reduce the time to look for further information. Topic cover includes: Sale of Goods Act - Contract of sales, title, implied terms, sale by sample, remedies and damages, right to sell and transfer of ownership, reservation of title clauses, transfer of title by non-owner. Australian Consumer Law - Interpretation and definition, misleading or deceptive conduct, unconscionable conduct, unfair contract terms, remedies, guarantees in respect of goods and services, enforcement and remedies, producibility. Financial transaction and bailment- Finance and personal property, bailment. Personal Property Securities Act - Exclusions from PPSA-Section 8, Security interest in personal property: Common types of collateral, Formal classes of collateral under PPSA, Types of security interests, Security interest: An interest in personal property, Security interests, title and the PPSA, Security Interest in Leases, Security Interest in Retention of title, Priority and title under PPSA, Deemed Security Interests, PPS leases – section 13, Exclusions from a PPS Lease – S 13(2), Purchase Money security Interest (PMSI) – s 14, Preview: Attachment and perfection of a security interest, Steps to obtain ‘perfection’ of a security interest.
Summer session, 2021
66 pages
29,247 words
UTS, Broadway & Markets
Member since
February 2019