*Distinction (83)* Australian Income Tax Notes (LAWS5112)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5112
These notes provide a comprehensive and structured breakdown of the Australian Income Tax unit, outlining all relevant case law, legislation, and tax rulings with succinct topic scaffolds, which outline key principles and will prove invaluable in timed exam conditions. Cases outline: - Facts; - Issues; - Principles; and - Reasoning Colour code: - Green = key principles - Red = overturned principle or exception to rule ✓ Comprehensive ✓ Structured ✓ Colour-coded ✓ Scaffolds Topics: 1. Introduction to Tax Policy and the Australian Tax System 2. Concepts of Income 3. Income from Property and Capital Gains 4. Compensation receipts and periodic receipts 5. Taxation of remuneration 6. Business Income 7. Deductions 8. Entity Taxation 9. Goods and Services Tax (GSTA) 10. Tax Administration 11. Ethical conduct and tax avoidance rules
Semester 1, 2023
67 pages
22,965 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
August 2023
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