
These are extremely comprehensive LAWS2010 Corporations Law Notes with integrated scaffolds that can be used for the final exam (this is what I did). They include ALL readings and ALL statutory provisions from the reading guide. Benefits of my notes: - ALL readings have been done and included (see white and yellow boxes) - ALL statute has been included (see green boxes) with added commentary - Detailed case summaries - Nuanced points or additional explanations from the lectures beyond the slides are written in italics - Notes are integrated with step by step guides (see blue boxes and blue writing) which I used as exam scaffolds These notes are super detailed with over 130 pages! Topics - Merits Review - Judicial Review: Jurisdiction Of The Courts - Standing - Judicial Review Of Rule-making - Procedural Fairness - Reasoning: Considerations Grounds, Improper Purposes, Policies, Representations And Estoppel, Dictation, Agency And Unauthorised, Delegation, Implied Agency - Decisional: Unreasonableness - Errors Of Law And Fact - Jurisdictional Error - Judicial Review Remedies - Breach Of Statutory Requirement To Give Reasons - Statutory Attempts To Exclude And Restrict Judicial Goodluck! :)


Semester 1, 2023

136 pages

53,253 words



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