*Distinction (83)* Structured and Comprehensive IPCL Notes (LAWS5008: Intro to Property and Commercial Law)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5008
These notes provide a comprehensive and structured breakdown of the IPCL unit, outlining all relevant case law and legislation. The notes include a scaffold covering the subject matter entire course, which outlines key principles and will prove invaluable in timed exam conditions. Additionally, they include ready-to-go paragraphs on contentious law. Quite honestly, these notes may be my greatest achievement in law school. Cases outline: - Facts; - Issues; - Principles; and - Reasoning Colour code: - Green = key principles - Red = overturned principle or exception to rule ✓ Comprehensive ✓ Structured ✓ Colour-coded ✓ Scaffolds Topics: 1. Introduction to Property - Licence - Fixtures - Native title - Transferring Legal Interests in land - Transferring equitable interests in land (s 23C) - Transferring equitable interests in land (s 54A) - Mortgage by title deed - Torrens title land 2. Personal Property - Introduction to Choses in Possession - Ownership and possession - Delivery - Losing and finding - Inter vivos gift - Donatio mortis causa - Sale of Goods - Bailment 3. Personal Property: Choses in Action - Limits on assignability of choses in action - Creating express trusts - Trusts and debt - Trusts and Contracts - Trusts and equitable charges - Interests in unadministered deceased estates 4. Assignment and Disposition of Choses in Action - Statutory ‘legal’ assignment of shares - Statutory ‘legal’ assignment of choses in action - Equitable assignment of legal interests - Voluntary assignments - For value assignments - Dealings with Equitable Interests - Declarations of Trust - Assignment of subsisting equitable interests 5A. Priority regimes - Priorities under the Sale of Goods Act - Priorities under general law 5B. Dealings as Security Interests
Semester 1, 2023
118 pages
40,550 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
August 2023
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