
Hey! Thanks for checking out my notes. Should you choose to buy them, I am confident they will prove invaluable for mastering this subject, enhancing your assignment writing skills, and excelling in your exams. I achieved a score of 91 in this subject, and was the PAL leader for this subject. To create these notes, I have combined the lecture and tutorial content I used when I took the unit, in addition to integrating the PAL revision resources I created for this subject. The table of contents is as follows: Week 1: Introduction (lecture and practice questions) Week 2: Norms & Reliability (lecture) Week 3: Reliability & Validity (lecture and practice questions) Week 4: Test Construction (lecture), tem Response Theory (reading, lecture) Week 5: Revision (lecture and practice questions) Week 6: Fairness - Slope and Intercept (readings, tutorial) Week 8: Assessment of Intelligence (lecture notes, readings, practice questions, revision tables) Week 9: Assessment of Intelligence Cont. (lecture, revision tables, tutorial, reading) Week 10: Ethics in Psychological Assessment (reading, lecture, tutorial) Week 11: Personality (lecture) Week 12: Personality Cont. (lecture, tutorial, revision questions)


Semester 1, 2021

57 pages

17,100 words



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