
These notes provide a clear step-by-step approach to answering questions, and I used them to excel on both the class test and the exam! This is because I began working on these notes at the beginning of the semester and continued to edit and revise them until I achieved the level of precision and comprehensiveness that I knew I would need to succeed in the unit. They were written using a variety of resources, including the required textbook, seminar PowerPoint presentations, LSS Sketch Notes and most importantly, attending lectures and tutorials. They cover all examinable topics (1-12) and will also help you get a good start to the semester by providing materials to prepare for the mid-semester class test! List of topics covered: Topic 1: Concepts of Property and Ownership Topic 2: Fragmentation of Proprietary Interests Topic 3: An Introduction to Title to Land Topic 4: An Introduction to Legal and Equitable Interests Topic 5: The Doctrine of Tenure and Estates: Life Estates Topic 6: Law of Finders, Adverse Possession and Part-Parcel Claim Topic 7: Acquisition and Transfer of Proprietary Interests; Sale and Gift of Property Topic 8: Leasehold Estates Topic 9: Creation of Leasehold Interests Topic 10: Contractual Licences Topic 11: Easements Topic 12: Restrictive Covenants


Semester 2, 2023

64 pages

26,334 words



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Monash, Clayton

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October 2022