
Notes are in two parts - first part is exam notes. These are arranged in a succinct way which captures the necessary details to get a H1 mark, arranged in a way that will save time (which is crucial for the torts exam). It is set out in a very formulaic way, and I essentially just copied straight from this document and filled in the blanks and got a high-H1. The second part is case notes - these include all the necessary details of every single case studied in the course - it is set out in a table outlining: case name; key elements; facts; issue; reasons for decision. Topic list: - Established duties - Novel duties - Complex duty situations (affirmative action; state; PMH; PEL; multiple duties) - Breach (ordinary person) - Breach (skilled person) - Breach (professional) - Breach (public authority) - Factual causation - Scope of liability - Consequential mental harm - Voluntary assumption of risk - Contributory negligence - Vicarious liability


Semester 1, 2023

63 pages

21,656 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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February 2024