
Notes including information from lecture material, case readings, and pinpoint citations. These are the notes I created throughout the semester to aid in my understanding of Remedies. If you are looking for an exam template that can be used in the exam or to assist you in creating your exam structure, look at H1 Remedies EXAM TEMPLATE 2023. Topics include: 1. Introduction – Overview of Remedies in Australian Private Law 2. Compensatory damages for breach of contract 3. Compensatory damages in tort 4. Statutory damages under the Australian Consumer Law 5. Equitable compensation 6. Other functions of damages: Vindication & Punishment 7. Specific Performance 8. Permanent Injunctions 9. Statutory Damages under Lord Cairns’ Act 10. Gain-based remedies for breaches of equitable obligation, tort and breach of contract 11. Restitution for unjust enrichment 12. Rescission *These subject notes are to be used to assist in your preparation and studying of Remedies. Please ensure you use your own words for your benefit.*


Semester 1, 2023

169 pages

69,727 words



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