
These are exam notes that you can essentially use for the exam to build your exam answers. I received 81% overall. The notes are colour coded and a mix of exam answer structures with lecture notes. Characterisation – s 51 2 Scope of power interpretation 2 Core subject matter 3 Dual Characterisation 3 Incidental aspect 4 External Affairs – Treaty Implementation 4 Characterisation – Implied Nationhood Power 6 Implied political communication 9 Constitutional Freedoms 15 Principle One: Only Ch3 Courts can exercise Commonwealth judicial power (Wheat Case) 16 Principle Two: Boilermaker – Federal Courts 17 Kable – State Courts 20 Trade and Commerce Power 26 External Affairs Power 26 Territories 27 Corporations 27 Defence Power / Purposive Powers 30 Providing a grant to the States – s 96 30 Appropriating funds under s 81 must fall under s 51 power – s 81 32 Aliens / Naturalisation Power 33 S 77 - Commonwealth Laws about Courts 33


Trimester 3, 2021

34 pages

13,700 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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