
All readings from the 2023 course contained in this package. This makes for a comprehensive summary of every case, textbook entry, and piece of statute assigned as a reading in the Property course. Information is laid out clearly and legibly, with the core takeaways from each reading included for your convenience. Where relevant - ratios from important judgment are highlighted for application in tutorials and the exam. Topics covered: Topic 3: Acquiring Legal Interests. Topic 4: Native Title. Topic 5: Acquiring Equitable Interests. Topic 6: Leases, Security Interests, and Native Title Rights and Interests. Topic 7: Easements, Profits, and Statutory Interests. Topic 8: Conflicts between registered and unregistered interests. Topic 9: Conflicts between registered interests, conflicts between unregistered interests.


Semester 1, 2023

113 pages

54,557 words



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