
"Administrative Law" is a pivotal course that provides an in-depth exploration of the mechanisms, principles, and functions that underpin the regulation of government decision-making. This subject is essential for understanding the frameworks that ensure governmental accountability, transparency, and the lawful exercise of public power. These notes offer: - Foundational Principles: Delve into the core of administrative law, including merits review, judicial review, and the various mechanisms of accountability that govern how decisions are made within public bodies. - Freedom of Information: Unpack the rights to access governmental documents, highlighting the importance of transparency and public participation in a democratic society. - Judicial Review: Explore the judiciary's role in overseeing government actions, ensuring decisions comply with the law, and upholding the principles of justice and fairness. - Accountability Mechanisms: Study the various means through which governmental actions are scrutinized, including the roles of parliamentary oversight, financial accountability through budgetary processes, and external review bodies like ombudsmen. - Historical Evolution: Trace the development of administrative law in Australia, understanding its roots in the common law tradition and significant reforms that have shaped its current structure. - Contemporary Challenges: Address modern issues in administrative law, such as the implications of privatization, the impact of technology on decision-making processes, and evolving concepts of public accountability. - Designed for law students, legal practitioners, and policy professionals, this course equips participants with the knowledge to navigate, analyze, and influence the complex system of laws and procedures that govern administrative actions. Topics covered: - Introduction to Administrative Law - Accountability Mechanisms: Public Investigatory and Accountability Bodies - Merits Review - Merits Review: Procedure, Evidence and the Role of Policy - Judicial Review: Nature, Framework and Grounds - Grounds of Review: - Judicial Review: Limits - Judicial Review: Grounds arising from the statute conferring a power - Grounds arising from the general law - Judicial Review: Procedural Fairness - Accountability Mechanisms II: Official Information, Freedom of Information and Reasons - Delegated Legislation - Consequences for Unlawful Action:


Semester 2, 2023

94 pages

27,490 words



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