
I used these notes to achieve a final mark of 86 (HD) in this challenging subject, placing me very close to the top of the LLB cohort. This subject required hundreds of pages of reading to be condensed into a clear, effective and easy-to-read format for the final exam. These notes include information on both negligence and intentional torts from Weeks 1-13, both of which were examinable. Also included is the quick reference sheet which I brought into the exam, which allowed quick access to key elements of each action and policy issues to be addressed. Topics included are: . Negligence:  Vicarious liability  Non-delegable duties  Duty of care  Pure Mental Harm  Pure Economic Loss  Statutory authorities  Breach of duty of care  Standard of care  Causation  Defences to Negligence  Intentional torts including battery, assault and false imprisonment, trespass to goods, conversion (goods), detinue  Defences to all intentional torts  Key cases in the law of tort


Semester 1, 2023

25 pages

12,343 words



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