
High quality H1 in Property Notes. The structure of the notes is not based on how it was taught in the course, but based on how a hypothetical should be answered. **Please note that these are in no way a substitute of the actual prescribed readings and cases** Table of Contents: 1. What kind of property interest is it? Fee simple Life Estate Lease If it is not a lease, is it a license? Security Interests Liens and Charges Mortgages Options Easements Profit a prendre Special cases: property Spectacle 2. How did the property interest arise? Legal Formalities: Sale of an interest Formalities: Transfer of legal title Exception to formalities: Adverse Possession Priority dispute Equitable Preliminary matters: rules for existence of equitable interests Remedy: specific performance Remedy: Estoppel Part Performance v Estoppel (Pipikos) 3. Whose interest has priority? When there is one registered interest (Torrens): indefeasible When there are two registered interests (Torrens) When there are two unregistered interests (General Law) When there is a mere equity and an unregistered interest 4. Native Title How is native title extinguished? Fee Simple Pastoral Lease Mineral Lease Mining Lease Statute/Legislation Compensation for Native Title Two components of compensation


Semester 1, 2023

56 pages

20,928 words



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