
Fully comprehensive notes that consolidate everything from textbooks, lectures, and tutorials into one all-you-could-need document targeted towards examable content. Designed to help you secure a High Distinction (HD), these notes will make your study sessions more efficient, especially before finals. With this all-inclusive resource, you can focus on what truly matters and perform at your best when it counts the most. Includes all content and formulas you need to know for finals. Topics covered: Week 1. Intro to Accounting Week 2. The accounting system Week 3. Business Planning Week 4. Budgeting Week 6. The accounting system: concepts and applications Week 7. Internal control managing and reporting working capital Week 8. Income Statement Week 9. Balance Sheet Week 10. Cash Flow Statement Week 11. Short term planning Week 12: Trends and Issues in Accounting


Semester 2, 2023

79 pages

26,424 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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February 2022