
BA exam notes, covering ALL topics, colour coded, including key cases and legislation. Analysis of past papers feedback and prediction of exam topics are also included. Saves you a lot of time of dealing with long readings and huge amount of legislation and putting everything together. Super useful and has everything you need in a 2 hour-timed in-person exam! All topics including: Incorporation Limited liabilities & Legal personalities Piercing corporate veil Corporate constitution Director's power Meetings of members Contractual liability Director’s Duties -Definition or Director/ Officer -Director's duty of Care -Duty to act in good faith -Duty to avoid conflict of interest -Duty to prevent insolvent trading -Exoneration and relief for director/ officer Remedies (General law, Statutory) Members remedies (Fraud on minority, Personal action, statutory contract, injunction, Oppression, Derivative action, Winding up) Past paper feedback (2023 T1, 2021 T1, 2020 T2)


Term 1, 2024

84 pages

43,670 words



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