
Includes: - Definitions and explanations - Annotated code examples with syntax highlighting for readability - Notes from week1 to week13 for 2024S1 Week 01 1. Introduction to the unit; 2. Compilation; 3. Syntax; 4. Conditional statements; 5. Scope and lifetimes Week 02 1. Loop and static methods; 2. Contiguous memory; 3. Arrays and strings Week 03 1. Classes and instance methods; 2. File IO and binary IO Week 04 1. Static and Non-static context; 2. Memory Layout; 3. Collections and Abstract Data Types Week 05 1. Inheritance and encapsulation; 2. Overloading and overriding Week 06 1. Abstract classes and interfaces; 2. Polymorphism; 3. Default methods 4. Gradle, Packaging, Classpath and Java Archives; Week 07 1. Generics and checked types; 2. Type bounds and collection onterfaces Week 08 1. Exceptions and error handling; 2. Testing and automation Week 09 1. Recursion with OOP; 2. Enums and optionals Week 10 1. Anonymous Classes and lambdas Week 11 1. Java Wildcards 2. Debugging Week 12 1. Revision-01 Week 13 1. Revision-02 2. Overview of Exam Structure


Semester 1, 2024

69 pages

12,354 words



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