
VERY comprehensive Contracts notes including the exact exam template I used for the final exam + cases - 48 pages that covers the principles, ratios from cases, and EXACT written phrases to use in the hypothetical exam Covers the topics: 1. Terms - Incorporation of terms - Interpretation of terms - Implied terms 2. Unfair terms - ACL - Consumer guarantees 3. Termination - by consent - frustration - non-fulfilment of a condition - breach - repudiation 4. Mistake - common - mutual - unilateral 5. Unfair conduct - Duress - Undue influence - Unconscionable dealing 6. Unconscionable conduct under statute 9. Third-party misconduct 10. Illegality - Statutory illegality - Public policy: Unlawful conduct, restraint of trade


Semester 2, 2023

48 pages

23,166 words



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