Torts Problem Question Summary Notes for Exams
Subject notes for UOW LLB2240
Clear, concise notes for Torts Law exams. Under time pressure, you do not want to be flicking through pages of notes. Accordingly, these notes are comprehensive, logical, and precise steps for problem questions in the Tort Law exam. Using these notes provides clear revision, which can be used for quick and precise reference in the exam. These notes are yours! Use them as your summary notes for exams. Add extra authorities and restructure as you like! This will provide you with all that is required (and more) to comprehensively answer your Torts Law exam. For in-person exams, I suggest printing these notes at Officeworks, getting them bound and tabbing the key chapters. This made my Torts Law exam experience less stressful and my notes were easily applied. Note: these notes are set up for the 2024 Torts Law exam—No Trespass to Goods topics or essay materials are included. However, these notes can be adapted to include any extra materials. Topics: INTENTIONAL TORTS Action on the case for wilful injury 1 Trespass to the Person 2 Battery 2 Assault 5 False Imprisonment 7 Actions Involving Land 9 Trespass to Land 9 Nuisance 12 Public Nuisance 17 Defences: 20 NEGLIGENCE NEGLIGENCE: STEP 1: Duty of Care 24 Reasonable foreseeability test 24 Does D owe a duty? 24 Special Rules 30 Pure Mental Harm 30 Pure Economic Loss 33 Employer + Vicarious Liability 35 Non-delegable duties 37 STEP 2: Identify Standard of Care 38 STEP 3: Breach of Standard 40 Negligence calculus—s 5B(2) CLA (APPLY ALL) 40 STEP 4: Causation 42 DEFENCES 47
Semester 1, 2024
59 pages
15,561 words
UOW, Wollongong
Member since
November 2023