LAW4309 Ethics Notes (HD - 83)
Subject notes for Monash LAW4309
Highly comprehensive exam notes for Ethics (LAW4309) that enabled me to get HD (83) in the unit in Sem 1 2024! - Up to date and colour-coded, includes detailed tables and easy to follow flow-charts - All relevant case summaries and key rulings great for revision - A concise and detailed exam script to help structure your answers Topics 1. Duties to the law and duties to the court 2. Specific duties in civil and criminal matters 3. Confidentiality 4. Conflicts of interest 5. Costs and trust accounting 6. Admission to practice 7. Complaints 8. Types of misconduct
Semester 1, 2024
116 pages
78,130 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
November 2020
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