Property Law Exam Notes - Response Structures
Subject notes for ANU LAWS2204
Detailed response structures for 12 weeks of property law, including relevant principles and case law, on the following topics: 1. Stages in the sale of land 2. Creation of legal interests 3. Creation of equitable interests 4. Relativity of title (losing and finding) 5. Priority disputes 6. Transfer of interests 7. Contract between X and Y (part performance, estoppel, action in personal) 8. Trusts (express, constructive, remedy) 9. General law concepts (fixtures and chattels, adverse possession, estates, mortgages and leases). 10. Torrens law concepts (voluntary conversion, other interests, indefeasibility, exceptions to indefeasibility, caveats, priority notices, mortgages). 11. Co-ownership 12. Remedies (equitable, common law).
Semester 1, 2024
71 pages
20,203 words
ANU, Acton
Member since
February 2024