*HD(86) PERFECT Evidence Notes with CONCISE SCAFFOLD for EXAM*
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2016
**The first part delivers in-depth coverage across all topics, presenting an easily navigable resource for both classes and exams. The content is thoughtfully highlighted, ensuring essential points are easily discernible, and the organization by topics enhances accessibility. These notes provide a streamlined path to achieving at least a Distinction in the Exam. **The second part is a CONCISE yet powerful Scaffold, hailed as the ULTIMATE ANSWER STRUCTURE for in-person exams. Condensing all crucial information into a 10-page nutshell, this scaffold served as the linchpin during my in-person final exam, enabling me to an impressive overall High Distinction (86%). **Topics covered: 1) Introduction to evidence law 2) Relevance 3) Proof (i) – burdens and standards of proof 4) Adversarial trial 5) Witnesses 6) Documents, Real Evidence 7) Credibility 8) Hearsay 9) Tendency and coincidence evidence 10) Character of the accused 11) Opinion 12) Identification Evidence 13) Discretions 14) Admissions and Self-Incrimination 15) Proof (ii) directions 16) Revision
Semester 2, 2024
172 pages
85,614 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
September 2021
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