*Distinction* PIL Notes (LAWS5005: Public International Law)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5005
These notes provide a comprehensive and structured breakdown of Public International Law, outlining all relevant case law, legislation, and succinct topic scaffolds that outline key principles and will prove invaluable in timed exam conditions. Cases outline: - Facts; - Issues; - Principles; and - Reasoning ✓ Comprehensive ✓ Structured ✓ Colour-coded ✓ Scaffolds Topics: 1. Development, Nature and Scope of Intl. Law 2. Treaties 3. Personality, Statehood, Self-Determination, Recognition 4. Title to Territory 5. International Law and Municipal Law 6. Jurisdiction 7. Immunity from Jurisdiction 8. State Responsibility 9. Use of Force 10. Dispute Settlement
Semester 2, 2023
88 pages
32,126 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
August 2023
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