
These notes cover every examinable topic for the subject ‘Property B’ and will assist you with both the assignment and final exam. They are designed to enable quick thinking in the exam to ensure efficient time use by including: - Introduction, explanatory and conclusion sentences. - Full scripts for each topic with ‘fill in the blank’ styles sentences which can easily be inserted into your exam answers in a quick and efficient manner. - Cases and concepts are summarised in dot points to transfer into exam answers. Notes are extremely comprehensive and detailed, yet also very easy to navigate utilising a step-by-step technique to answering exam questions. Content of notes will also assist you in generating real-time responses to class discussions in tutorials which are assessable. TOPICS COVERED INCLUDE - MORTGAGES - EQUITABLE INTERESTS BY OPERATION OF LAW - CO-OWNERSHIP - ENFORCEABLE PROPERTY INTERESTS ADN SYSTEMS OF TITLE - TORRENS SYSTEM AND CONVEYANCING - INDEFEASIBILITY OF TITLE - EXCEPTIONS TO INDEFEASIBILITY OF TITLE - UNREGISTERED INTERESTS UNDER THE TORRENS SYSTEMS **Updated for Semester 2, 2024**


Semester 1, 2024

78 pages

25,000 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

April 2024