
With these notes, I achieved easy Distinctions for Contracts Oncalls and BOTH in class 30-minute tests. These notes are extremely comprehensive, and is structured topic by topic. Each legal principle is structured as follows: 1. Brief one paragraph overview of the legal principle 2. Relevant Cases and statutes 3. For each case, dot point summary of the ratios/legal principles expounded, then material facts, and then relevant quotes from cases and my own understanding of the judges' discussions. *For initial revision, I suggest readings the facts and the relevant discussions/quotes/reasonings to develop your own understanding and memory of that case, then, for pre-exam prep, focus on the dot point summaries of legal principles of each case *The notes are the result of all the readings, lecture notes, academic articles and others notes I was able to read. The topics are the examined area of Contracts (aka from topic 2 to 12), including: - Agreement - Certainty and Completeness - Consideration - ITCLR and Formalities - Estoppel - Express terms - Implied terms - Construction of terms - Exclusion clauses and privity - Discharge (by performance and agreement) - Discharge (by breach and repudiation) - Termination and discharge by frustration


Semester 1, 2024

134 pages

49,894 words



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