
These notes contain all the substantive law within the course with shorthand citations in extremely condensed form for quick reference in Final Examinations and where relevant, in scaffold form for Problem Questions. Relevant law for the topics noted below is covered in shortened form. These notes are of a hyper-condensed nature. A sample is provided for two topics - Discovery (with authorities and signposting redacted) and Affidavits (provided in full in the sample). The entire document is of that nature. Topics included are: Case Management & General Powers; Procedural Issues; Court-Annexed Mediation, ADR Clauses & Negotiation Privilege; Costs General; Costs against Lawyers; Offers of Compromise; Security for Costs; Originating Processes & Appearances; Pleadings & Particulars; Freezing Orders; Search Orders; Res Judicata; Issue Estoppel; Anshun Estoppel; Joinder; Consolidation; Representative Proceedings (Class Actions); Service (General; Originating Process Basics; Variants of Personal Service; Solicitor Service; Agreements as to Service; and Substituted Service); Discovery; Implied Undertaking; Subpoenas; Legal Client Privilege; Affidavits; Default Judgment; Summary Disposal; Appeals; and Enforcement and Execution. These notes do not contain the introductory essay based topics.


Term 2, 2023

42 pages

23,808 words


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