
This PDF includes clear, colourful, comprehensive notes from Semester 1 Developmental Psychology 2024! Divided into clear sections for each week. Weeks 2-11 (Week 1 and Week 12 were mostly housekeeping and future directions, respectively.) Happy studying! This was a great subject :~) The table of contents/course schedule is nicely included at the top of the Word document. Week 2 - Lecture 4 Theory of Mind (ToM) Week 2 - Lecture 5 Biological Development – Introduction to Human Genetics (1) Week 3 - Lecture 6 Biological Development –Human Genetics (2) - Genetic Disorders Week 3 - Lecture 7 Biological Development (3) – Environmental Influences Week 4 Calculating Chi-Square Week 4 - Lecture 8 Biological Development (4) - Prenatal Week 5 - Lecture 9 Biological Development (5) – Brain Development Week 5 - Lecture 10 Cognitive Development (1) - Cognitive Theories Week 6 - Lecture 11 Cognitive Development (2) - Infant Competencies 1 Week 6 - Lecture 12 Cognitive Development (3) - Core Knowledge Theories Week 7- Lecture 13 Cognitive Development (4) - Sociocultural Theories Week 7 - Lecture 14 Cognitive Development (5) – Language Development Week 8 - Lecture 15 Cognitive Development (6) – Language 2 - Phonology & Word Segmentation Week 9 - Lecture 17 Cognitive Development (7) – Language 3 Week 9 - Lecture 18 Social & Emotional – S&E (1) - Self Development Week 10 - Lecture 19 S&E (2) - Social Development (peers) Week 10 - Lecture 20 S&E (3) Social Development – (family) Week 11 - Lecture 21 S&E (4) – Emotional development (Emotion regulation) Week 11 - Lecture 22 S&E (5) – Emotional Development (Mental Health/ Wellbeing)


Semester 1, 2024

100 pages

17,014 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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May 2023