MGMT1135 Organisational Behavior (Comprehensive week 1-12 notes for exam revision)
Subject notes for UWA MGMT1135
Comprehensive notes on MGMT1135 (Organisational Behavior). A mixture of the lecture slides and tutorials from week 1-12 that will be very useful throughout the semester especially for the final exam. HDable unit. List of topics: 1. Introduction to OB 2. Values 3. Perception 4. Emotion 5. Attitude 6. Motivation 7. Decision Making 8. Creativity 9. Teams 10. Communication 11. Leadership 12. Power 13. Conflict 14. Negotiation 15. Change
Semester 2, 2021
40 pages
10,773 words
UWA, Crawley
Member since
November 2019
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