LAWS2013 Legal Profession DISTINCTION FINAL EXAM Notes
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2013
These notes are designed to help you excel in problem questions in the final exam. They are thoughtfully organised to clearly summarise key legal principles, making it easier to apply them in your answers. Topics covered: - Law Practice Management - Legal Education – Pre and Post Admission to the Profession - Duties to the Court and the Administration of Justice - Duties of Representation and the Lawyer-Client Relationship - Communication and Interviewing - Duty of Confidentiality - Client Legal Privilege - Conflicts of Interest - Duties in Specific Areas of Practice - Competence, Liability and Immunity - Complaints and Discipline
Semester 1, 2024
60 pages
28,739 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
August 2020
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