
These notes helped me achieve a HD mark of 82 for LDR during Semester 2, 2024. Whether you're tackling in-semester problem questions or final exams, they are designed to simplify your study and maximize your results. - They cover weeks 1-12 topics in detail, in a step-by-step problem-solving format, with relevant case summaries easily located at the end of each sub-topic. - With a clear colour-coding system—green for cases, blue for legislation, and separate colours for each topic—you’ll easily navigate the content under pressure. Perfect for producing HD-level answers, these notes are your ultimate resource for exam success. Good luck! TOPICS COVERED: - General Issues (covers examinable matter from introductory topics) - Costs - Jurisdiction (incl Case Transfers) - Parties (incl Joinder of Parties) - Claims (incl Joinder of Claims) - Commencing Proceedings, Service and Appearance - Pleadings - Urgent Applications - Gathering Evidence / Discovery - Disposition, Judgment and Enforcement - Class Actions


Semester 2, 2024

59 pages

33,226 words



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