85% H1 Comprehensive BCMB30003 Molecular Aspects in Cell Biology Notes
Subject notes for UniMelb BCMB30003
These notes include highly detailed and comprehensive notes for every lecture and module from weeks 1-11 (there was no lecture content for week 12). The topics included are: - Epithelial Cell Polarity - Extracellular Matrix - Cell Junctions - Principles of Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy - Protein and Nuclear Trafficking in Cells - Nuclear Import/Export and Ran GTPase Cycle - Protein Targeting and Folding - Protein Modification - Mitochondria Techniques and Translocation - TIM22 and TIM23 Complex - Mitochondrial Import and Quality Control - Principles of Vesicular Traffic - Intracellular Traffic from ER to Golgi to Lysosomes - Endocytosis - Cytoskeleton and Organelle Locomotion - Lipids and Membrane Microdomains - Molecular Processes of Cell Movement - Assembly and Disassembly of Actin and Cytoskeleton - Cell Signalling - Cellular Stress Responses
Semester 1, 2024
202 pages
76,214 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
March 2022