High Distinction Equity & Trusts Notes (86%)
Subject notes for UTS 70517
Comprehensive and easy to follow Equity & Trusts exam and class participation notes. Latest content, compiled from the textbook, classes and lectures. These notes are indexed and organised by topic, covering all topics, key cases and legislation. Achieved a High Distinction (86%) in Equity & Trusts using these notes in both the preliminary assessments and for the final exam. For a dense and difficult subject, these notes made the difference! All topics including: - History / nature of equity - Unconscionable Conduct - Undue Influence - Estoppel - Equitable estates and interests - Equitable Remedies - Equitable Assignment of Property - Fiduciary obligations - Accessorial liability - Liability under Barnes v Addy - Remedies - Tracing - Account of profits - Equitable compensation - Trusts - Constructive Trusts - Resulting Trusts - Express Trusts - Charitable Trusts - Duties, Powers, Liabilities and Rights of Trustees, Rights of Beneficiaries
Spring session, 2024
190 pages
57,340 words
UTS, Broadway & Markets
Member since
January 2025