HD Full Course Summary Contracts UNSW Laws1075
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS1075
I recieved an overall mark of 86 for these notes. These notes I worked on all term and have hours and hours of work put into them so that you don't need anything else in an exam. These notes are a full summary that include every topic covered over the term. They are in a format best for exams so you should be able to know what to do just by looking at the contents page. In red there are tips and tricks to remember throughout the exam. It was formatted in word and made using headings so should be easy to alter as you wish. Includes important cases and rules throughout but doesn't go into details of facts of cases. Not necessary for an exam. If you're looking for exactly what you need in the exam, this is it. These are not good however for class and CP as they don't go into detail for the cases.
Term 3, 2024
45 pages
15,764 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2023