LAWS6840: Tax of Business and Investment Income A
Subject notes for USYD LAWS6840
Comprehensive notes prepared which include summaries of all key cases, tax rulings and legislation discussed in LAWS6840: Tax of Business and Investment Income A. Achieved high distinction (85+) for the subject. Sample notes only are provided for the first topic, which covers problem questions 1 to 3. Covers the following topics which are discussed in class as problem questions. - Q1: Introduction and Core Principles - Q2: The meaning of income - Q3: Reconciling overlapping regimes - Q4: Valuation issues - Q5: Income from business: business v hobby - Q6: Business of Investing - Q7: Isolated Ventures - Q8: Business intangibles: agency agreements - Q9: Damages and compensation receipts - Q10: Business expenses: relevance - Q11: Capital/revenue distinction - Q12: Product of business v sale of business - Q13: Removing restrictions and satisfying liabilities - Q14: Sale/purchase of asset for periodic payments - Q15: Wasting assets Q16: Capital allowances - overview - Q17: Capital allowances – business intangibles - Q18: Trading stock – basic concepts - Q19: Trading stock – cost and valuation - Q20: Trading stock accounting - Q21: Trading stock – sales outside the ordinary course - Q22: Non-commercial losses Exam Review
Semester 1, 2024
119 pages
44,230 words
USYD, Cumberland
Member since
February 2015
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