
Distinction Principles of Private Law Notes (LAWS1150 / JURD7150), fully indexed and comprehensive, covering all key topics, cases, and legislation. Achieved a Distinction (80%) using these notes for assessments, class participation, study and to take into the final exam. These notes provide a clear and well-structured layout, perfect for answering exam questions and class preparation. They are split into two parts: First part covers overall topics whilst the second part briefs individual cases in detail. Topics covered include: - Elements of a Contract - Doctrine of Privity - Principles of Agency - Fundamentals of Property Law - Chattels, Possession and Ownership - Land Law Essentials - Estoppel and its Applications Perfect for students aiming to excel in LAWS1150 or JURD7150. These notes will save you hours of preparation and help you grasp complex concepts with ease. Note: About 120 pages, but I put two pages landscape per page so it is easier to scan


Term 3, 2024

60 pages

63,903 words



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