HD LAW3402 Property B Highly Comprehensive Notes (UPDATED 2025)
Subject notes for Monash LAW3402
These are comprehensive Property B notes which enabled me to get an HD. The notes provide an extremely detailed explanation of each topic, along with relevant cases and a thorough base to help you ace the exam. Topics: Topic 1: Co-Ownership Topic 2: Equitable Interests Arising by Operation of Law Topic 3: Mortgages Topic 4: An Introduction to the Enforceability of Property Interests, Systems of Title, the Torrens System and Conveyancing Topic 5: The Principle of Indefeasibility of Title Topic 6: Exceptions to Indefeasibility of Title Topic 7: Unregistered Interests Under the Torrens System
Semester 1, 2024
362 pages
142,039 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
May 2021