LAW2102 Contract B Full Exam Script
Subject notes for Monash LAW2102
I completed the unit in 2024 sem 2 and managed to get an HD with these notes! I spent many hours consolidating them with helpful sentence starters and lots of case analogies. Rest assured these comprehensive notes that have a built in exam script style will help you with any assignments and the final exam. Topics include: - Termination by agreement - Termination for breach (of a condition and intermediate term) - Termination for repudiation - Termination for Delay - Consequences of termination and restrictions on termination - Damages - Liquidated damages and penalties - Specific Performance and Injunctions - Action for Debt - Restitution - Frustration (test and consequences) - Vitiating Factors (duress, undue influence, unconscionable dealing) - Third Party Impropriety - Rescission - Misleading or deceptive conduct - Statutory unconscionability - Remedies
Semester 2, 2024
84 pages
44,271 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
August 2023