4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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1517 Uni. of Canberra

Very poorly organised, I learnt nothing more than the basics

9 years ago

MUSI20168 Uni. of Melbourne

Fun, energetic and stress-free class! Love the lecture delivery and tutorial participation (singing)...

9 years ago


OK subject, not all that hard. Non-calculus based course, so doable with without background knowledg...

9 years ago

ASTR178 Macquarie

Well I am rather disappointed with this unit. The lecture info is interesting and that is about the...

9 years ago

BIOL1020 Uni. of Qld

Not as tough grading-wise as BIOL1040, however it's still important to keep up with the modules beca...

9 years ago

PSYC2010 Uni. of Qld

8am lectures were tough, but it gives you a good understanding of statistics before moving on to SPS...

9 years ago

WEL217 Charles Sturt Uni.

Interesting subject matter, disinterested lecturer

9 years ago

LFS100 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Its a fairly jam-packed course. Loads of content covered. Its very helpful for the future though as...

9 years ago

GERM10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Tutor I had was very fun. Lots of vocab to learn but as long as you put in the work at home you will...

9 years ago

CHEM10003 Uni. of Melbourne

First year chemistry is a great course to learn the basics in chemistry whether you plan to pursue a...

9 years ago

SCIE1000 Uni. of Qld

A fascinating introduction to many areas within the field of science. You will enjoy it more than yo...

9 years ago

PSYC1020 Uni. of Qld

Very interesting subject. Even just attending lectures will ensure that you do well!

9 years ago

CBMS224 Macquarie

Pretty boring subject, probably would be more interesting if the lecturer had better presenting skil...

10 years ago

STAT1070 The Uni. of Newcastle

Taught very very bad, tutor gave no help at all. Only person seemed interested was the lecturer!!

10 years ago

PSYC20006 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject will particularly attract students who like the neuroscience and 'biological' side of P...

10 years ago

MUSI10208 Uni. of Melbourne

A super interesting subject taught really well and with highly organised staff. Thanks guys :)

10 years ago

ASP1022 Monash Uni.

A somewhat vague and wish-washy subject. Proceed with caution. Content is easy but lots of pointless...

10 years ago

MTH1020 Monash Uni.

A very fun and doable lead in for people who have not done specialist mathematics. It is taught quic...

10 years ago

ESC1022 Monash Uni.

A marginal improvement from ESC1011. Topics are actually more geology based and very light introd...

10 years ago

CHM1011 Monash Uni.

The content is difficult but very interesting. Lecturers were knowledgeable and cover content very w...

10 years ago

ESC2111 Monash Uni.

The first geoscience unit which is perhaps somewhat relevant to world wide academic standards and is...

10 years ago

ESC3201 Monash Uni.

This unit had the potential to be a great advanced structural geology unit but falls short due to th...

10 years ago

CHM1052 Monash Uni.

A fantastic unit which is both challenging and enthralling. Some great demonstrators and lecturers w...

10 years ago

ESC1011 Monash Uni.

The unit, whilst covering many, many topics is essentially taught and presented as a bludge. For man...

10 years ago

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