4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LFS252 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Interesting subjects. Get to do some interesting practical work, but can drag on a little after bein...

10 years ago

SCI212 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Interesting and easy enough course if you've looked at genetics before in high school. If you haven'...

10 years ago

PHYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Much of the content is similar to VCE physics. Be prepared for a lot of contact hours. There are a l...

10 years ago

JAPN10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject for beginners in Japanese. The lectures were quite dry and not required. The lecturer...

10 years ago

EESC203 Wollongong

This subject is really fun, heaps of bushwalking and hands-on stuff.

10 years ago

CHEM101 Wollongong

This subject is REALLY DIFFICULT especially if you don't have a chemistry background. You definitely...

10 years ago

SCIE1000 Uni. of Qld

This subject is really interesting, every topic and example you cover in class is real and the lectu...

10 years ago

BIOL1020 Uni. of Qld

Great subject but you have to stay on top of the readings to make sure you don't die come exam time

10 years ago

UAP 005 Wollongong

Excellent Moodle resources. Introductory. UOW College subject. Stream 2 & 3.

10 years ago

PHYS1200 The Uni. of Newcastle

This subject would definitely be easier with high school physics. Moves really quickly, sometimes a...

10 years ago

EPSCIE120 The Uni. of Newcastle

Interesting course content, overall great and worthwhile course

10 years ago

UAP 012 Wollongong

Excellent Moodle resources. Introductory College - stream 2 & 3 subject

10 years ago

BIOL1001 The Uni. of Newcastle

This subject is extremely content heavy so revise revise revise.

10 years ago

GENE20001 Uni. of Melbourne

A heavily problem-based subject but enjoyable nonetheless. The lecture notes are very basic and only...

10 years ago

MATH1002 The Uni. of Newcastle

The course is extremely fast paced so make sure you don't fall behind. I would definitely recommend...

10 years ago

PSY234 Macquarie

interesting unit, the content is mostly straightforward especially in the social psychology topics,...

10 years ago

CHEM1101 Uni. of Sydney

Well set out course. Sometimes the practicals were a bit arduous and cumbersome. Tutorials were very...

10 years ago

BIOL1001 Uni. of Sydney

Very well organised and set out. Really appreciated all the tutorials prior to the quizzes. Extremel...

10 years ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

interesting unit, the lectures are all online, with each topic/module broken up into parts so you ca...

10 years ago

PSYC2012 Uni. of Sydney

Really easy if you have ever done a statistics course before. Pretty much stats except taken baby st...

10 years ago

MAST10012 Uni. of Melbourne

Make less hard

10 years ago

PHYC10003 Uni. of Melbourne

The first few weeks are a bit of a rehash of VCE Physics 3/4 (with a little of Specialist Maths 3/4)...

10 years ago

MATH1040 Uni. of Qld

Michael Jennings was a great lecturer and really helped me understand the content!

10 years ago

GENE3360 The Uni. of Western Australia

pretty disorganised, and very inconsistent marking

10 years ago

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