4,822 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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I hate to say it, but this subject is a good introduction to the dreaded world of statistics. The te...

10 years ago

DEV2011 Monash Uni.

This unit allocated three lectures per week so work load become tough sometimes. However I found tha...

10 years ago


A great introduction to scientific theory and the evolution of psychology. The diverse area covered...

10 years ago

PSY30008 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Interesting and engaging lectures

10 years ago

Phys30005 Uni. of Melbourne

A generally well taught subject, with plenty of guest lecturers to keep the course fresh and interes...

10 years ago

STA1010 Monash Uni.

Topics are similar to VCE Further or VCE Methods. Challenging if you haven't previously complete Met...

10 years ago

ATS1310 Monash Uni.

Easy concepts to grasp and regular guest lecturers that provide different perspectives on disasters....

10 years ago

IMM2011 Monash Uni.

This subject really covered and helped with further immunology units but it was a lot of information...

10 years ago

CHM1011 Monash Uni.

First 4 weeks are challenging. Once this is over the work and understanding is easier and more acces...

10 years ago

300134 WSU

Easiest IT Unit in existence.

10 years ago

BIO1011 Monash Uni.

Totally accessible with you've never done biology before. Great lecturers and interesting topics cov...

10 years ago

DEV2011 Monash Uni.

The unit coordinator Julia is amazing, she does most of the lectures and is there for all the pracs...

10 years ago

PHYS1002 Uni. of Sydney

Make sure you consistently study throughout the semester, last minute cramming in stuvac will not he...

10 years ago

PHS3131 Monash Uni.

Interesting content, but a hard subject. Requires lots of work and very hard to do well in.

10 years ago

PHSI3006 Uni. of Sydney

Do this course if you're doing 3005, it's the more practical side for it, but be ready to do heaps o...

10 years ago

PSYC3301 The Uni. of Newcastle

Interesting material but there could have been a lot more instruction. Major essay questions were to...

10 years ago

PSYC2012 Uni. of Sydney

It is a simple and easy course if you've done HSC 2 Unit math, not too tricky, final exam is just MC...

10 years ago

PHSI3005 Uni. of Sydney

Really fun and interesting course, learn about so many different things, vitamin D, channels in the...

10 years ago

91132 UTS

Not particularly enjoyable, Subject in unorganized and not taught well. Long practicals with weekly...

10 years ago

PHYS1002 Uni. of Sydney

Out of all my subjects, physics had the best structure. Best approach to tutorials and the interacti...

10 years ago

91338 UTS

Hard subject with lots of content, however really fun/interesting pracs.

10 years ago

91330 UTS

Great subject, pracs are interesting and fun!

10 years ago

PSYU3337 Macquarie

Actually loved this subject! Based online with preloaded modules which made it very easy to do the...

10 years ago


LOVED this course!! Lecturers made the topics really interesting and the tutorials were fun.

10 years ago

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