Financial Information for Decision Making
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View all ACC10007 notesACC10007 Financial Information For Decision Making Complete Detailed Subject Notes
Complete and VERY detailed accounting notes that cover ALL 12 weeks of content. Clear, concise and e...
51 pages, 10125 words
Finanical Information for Decision Making Notes
Notes for ACC10007 which include key definitions and their formulas
16 pages, 7807 words
Become a tutor for ACC10007Karan Sanjeev
$65 per hour
I have completed Masters of Professional Accounting and Finance from the University. I have scored...
Breezy course as long as you follow along each week and do the exercises. Tutor is lovely, very responsive & helpful. Good starter to accounting for business.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Great entry level subject to accounting. HD for this subject is very obtainable through consistent study and exam preparation.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Hard to get your head around, need to continuously practice the statements for the exam.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Overall, this course is a great introduction to Accounting and its basics. Whilst some methods of recording transactions are not used in the real world, it is good enough for the subject. It is fairly easy, if you practice or have completed VCE Accounting in year 12
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
If studying via distance, Watch the videos found in EchoCenter, they help!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Make sure you watch all the lectures by Grainne Oates. She is an excellent lecturer and the echocenter lectures were invaluable. Wish i found them sooner than the day before my exam.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
It was not that difficult for me. You just have to practice questions almost everyday. Also, ask for help if you have any issues before moving to a next chapter. Remember that practice is the key to success :) Good luck with your studies