Design Centre Library
Uni services
Library facilities include: - Colour and black and white photocopying and printing facilities - 8 PCs and 6 MACs for student use - 3 scanners - 2 group study rooms equipped with TV's, DVD players - Interlibrary loan service - TTY phone - Hearing loop Library is closed Sat, Sun and public holidays. You can return books after hours via the return box. The opening hours below are for term time only. See library website for other times.
Hours | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Open | 09:00 AM | 09:00 AM | 09:00 AM | 09:00 AM | 09:00 AM | None | None |
Close | 07:00 PM | 07:00 PM | 07:00 PM | 07:00 PM | 04:00 PM | None | None |
Photos of Design Centre Library
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