I'm a UQ student studying Science.


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Hi there! I'm Caitlyn:) - started tutoring since 2020 at UQ with now more than three years of tutoring experience. I have recently graduated from UQ Bachelor of Advanced Science Honours 1st Class, majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry. I think 1 to 1 tutoring works best for you and me. As a biology/chemistry tutor, I could help you with improving your study skills in science and providing valuable feedback on your assignments etc. (I have been a UQ CHEM1100/CHEM1200/BIOM1051 tutor for more than a year!) I achieved GPA 7s in all the courses I tutor. We could meet at UQ St Lucia campus or anywhere on Earth using Zoom for tutoring! Looking forward to meet you soon!


English, Chinese


Caitlyn is a wonderful tutor! She tutored me in CHEM1200 and was very patient (even if my questions were a bit bizzare)!! She was able to synthesise topics i struggled in, in a way that was easy to understand. Her confidence in her quick responses assured me that she's very knowedgable. I definitely reccomend her as a tutor!!

Keira, StudentVIP member
since February, 2024


Caitlyn was a wonderfully kind and considerate tutor. She was great at explaining concepts and making sure I understood. She tutored me in CHEM1100 and had very good knowledge of all of the content, and was able to translate this into a way that I could understand.

Emily, StudentVIP member
since March, 2024


Caitlyn was an amazing and very knowledgeable tutor. She was great with tutoring CHEM1200 and provided so many resources which helped me a lot during my studies. I couldn’t recommend her more!

Sofia, StudentVIP member
since June, 2023


Caitlyn was a very knowledgeable tutor and helped me greatly in Chem1100 she is a brilliant patient tutor who is amazing at explaining things in different ways to help you understand them

Annie, StudentVIP member
since April, 2023


Caitlyn is a very flexible tutor who knows her stuff. She is patient and can explain things in different ways. She rewards her students when they do well. You certainly have an advantage if Caitlyn is your tutor!

Thomas, StudentVIP member
since November, 2020


Caitlyn tutored me in chem1100 and bio1020 which she was very knowledgeable in these subjects and was always quick to respond to my questions. She has a positive demeanour and was extremely friendly and approachable. Overall Caitlyn greatly assisted me in the subjects and I highly recommend her as a tutor!

Ella, StudentVIP member
since May, 2022


Throughout my time being tutored by Caitlyn I have been able to grasp a better understanding of Chem1100. She provided me with study techniques and went over the course contents very efficiently whilst tailoring the tutoring sessions to my needs. Her understanding of the topics were clear and she was very knowledgeable when giving explanations of questions. I would confidently recommend Caitlyn to any and all individuals looking for tutoring of a university level chemistry course.

Dinalka, StudentVIP member
since April, 2022

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