I'm a Deakin student studying Law.


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I am a criminal lawyer with five year’s practising experience. I graduated from Law and Criminology in 2018-2019. I completed my PLT at Leo Cussen and was admitted into the legal profession in February 2020. I have practising experience in both Criminal Prosecution and Defence. I also have experience in Victims of Crime. On the side of my work commitments, I assist various Human Rights organisations with legal tasks to contribute to their respective movements. I offer tutoring in Law and Criminology and Practical Legal Training. I can also assist with VCE legal studies. My services include: - General tutoring that can be tailored accordingly; - Provide detailed feedback on written and oral work; and - Exam preparation. I am an experienced tutor and have received positive feedback for my services, please see some student reviews at the bottom of my profile. I have been advised that the students I have tutored have achieved strong marks as a result of my services. I offer both in person and online sessions (minimum 1 hour). Before your first session, I would ask that you send through all relevant materials so that I can be prepared and so that you can get the most out of the session. This includes, for example, assessment instructions, relevant materials on hand and any drafted work. I can conduct both in person and remote tutoring services noting that I work full time so remote sessions allow more flexibility. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.




If you're looking for a tutor who is supportive, knowledgeable and with real life experience - look no further. Andrea was able to guide me in an area of law that was very new to me. Her dedication is second to none and enabled me to proceed with my coursework with confidence. I found Andrea to be a true professional with exceptional communication skills and provided quick turn around times. Andrea is highly responsive, which was very reassuring to me! Andrea provided detailed and clear feedback on my submissions. This helped me to understand areas in my work where I can improve and is conducive to a beneficial learning experience. Thanks, Andrea!

Elizabeth, StudentVIP member
since March, 2010


Andrea is a great tutor. She is organised and very responsive. She is very knowledgeable and helpful when providing feedback. Andrea has a talent for simplifying complex topics and explaining them in a way that is easy to understand. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for additional support with their studies.

Kalliepi, StudentVIP member
since March, 2018


Andrea, is a fantastic tutor. Despite being a last-minute student from time to time, Andrea was always happy to guide me in the right direction by providing valuable feedback both during and between our sessions. I could not recommend her enough!

Magda, StudentVIP member
since March, 2024


Andrea assisted me with preparing for a WA based criminal law exam. The state differences were easy to work out with her by sending the relevant class notes ahead of time. Andrea was super flexible and really explained the legislation concepts in a way I could understand. I went from feeling stressed out about the exam to confident and doing good time management. Huge thanks for the assistance!

Elizabeth, StudentVIP member
since May, 2023


I highly recommend Andrea for your studies! I enquired with her very last minute and she was super efficient, organised and responsive. She provided me with thorough feedback and guidance, and helped me achieve my desired mark. I will definitely be using her tutoring services again!

Zoe, StudentVIP member
since July, 2022


Andrea, was very organized and responsive. Andrea was extremely helpful and knowledgeable in helping me prepare for my assignment! She was able to help me understand certain areas that I found difficult to understand! Recommend contacting her if you need assistance with your studies!

Maryanne Bergamo, StudentVIP member
since February, 2019


I highly recommend any students who are seeking extra support with their studies to get in touch with Andrea! Andrea is extremely professional, helpful and knowledgeable. Andrea provides thorough feedback to support you academically and I have found that there has been a significant improvement in my marks by applying her feedback in my work. Andrea is also very organised and responsive, which is a huge plus! I highly recommend her for anyone seeking additional help with their work, her assistance is extremely beneficial!

Natasha, StudentVIP member
since July, 2019

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