I'm a UniMelb student studying Arts.


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I am Alastor and I use he/him pronouns. As a recent graduate of the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, I can help proofread assignments and give detailed feedback on how to write an excellent lab report and essay to achieve a H1 or H2A. I have also taken other Arts Elective subjects and am able to provide feedback on how to write an excellent research essay. Here are the subjects I took and can assist you with: - Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1 (83 H1) - Research Methods for Human Inquiry (80 H1) - The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (84 H1) - Development of the Thinking Child (93 H1) - Writing for Screen (84 H1) - Sex and Gender Present and Future (80 H1) - Crime and Public Policy (80 H1) Please note that transphobic and disrespectful comments are not tolerated and will result in termination of tutoring lessons.


English, Standard Mandarin (Beginner level)


Alastor is a fantastic tutor. He explains everything very clearly, he was incredibly patient with me ensuring I understood each concept before moving on. I highly recommend Alastor to anyone who needs help.

Alice, StudentVIP member
since February, 2021

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