Hi, I'm Romy!

I'm a UniMelb student studying Arts.


Per hour


Started uni
Hello there! My name’s Romy (she/her) – I majored in English and History at UniMelb, and received a H1 for my Honours thesis. I’ve recently graduated with a Juris Doctor from Melbourne Law School (75 WAM) and now work in the legal industry. In my free time I coach young aspiring athletes, which has allowed me to develop strong listening skills, empathy, and a flexible approach to learning. I’d love to help you achieve your academic goals and teach you valuable skills in essay writing, researching, and critical analysis. My specialist knowledge areas are: • English and American literature; • Medieval literature (including Middle English); • Ancient Greek and Roman history; • Legal theory; • Legal advocacy; • Legal research; • Legal writing. I offer the following services: • Enhance the clarity of your writing with structural and syntax edits; • Assist you to develop exciting research topics and questions for assignments; • Walk you through subject concepts step-by-step, at your pace; • Teach studying and assignment-writing strategies; • Provide explanatory notes for each of my subjects offered; • Provide examples of high-scoring assignments and assessments; • Explain and action feedback from your tutors and professors. I took the following Arts subjects at UniMelb, and can likely assist with adjacent subjects at other universities: • ANCW20019 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic (86) • ANCW30023 Practical Archaeology (82) • ANCW30017 Interpreting the Ancient World (87) • ENGL20023 American Classics (84) • ENGL20033 Shakespeare in Performance (88) • ENGL30002 Critical Debates (83) • ENGL30046 Romancing the Medieval (87) • ENGL40015 American 20th Century Fiction (89) • ENGL40026 English and Theatre Studies (87) • ENGL40026 Medieval Passions (90) • ENGL30024: Renaissance Drama (85) • CWRI20009 Writing for Screen (85) I can assist with the following legal subjects, as well as provide general advice on writing and structure, legal analysis, stylistic conventions, and researching strategies: • LAWS50049 Human Rights Law (90) • LAWS50055 Advocacy (84) • LAWS50031 Legal Theory (82) • LAWS90140 Disputes and Ethics (80) • LAWS50039 Legal Research (80) • LAWS50037 Evidence and Proof (79) • LAWS50119 Sports Law (79) Rates: • You can book one-on-one tutoring sessions with me for 15-minute blocks, at a rate of $15 per block (maximum of 1hr per session). I am available to run sessions online and may be available for in-person sessions on a case-by-case basis. • I can undertake proofreading and provide feedback on written drafts for $50 per hour. I can read and proof at a rate of approximately 1000 words every half hour. Please note that I will not write, draft, or edit your assignments in accordance with academic integrity principles. My goal is to work collaboratively with you to help you develop your strengths and achieve your academic potential. Please get in touch – I’m looking forward to working with you!

