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  • 178 UniSA Business ratings and reviews

Latest activity on Business subjects at Uni. of South Australia...

MARK 1010

A course that provides the basics of marketing principles and concepts in practice. The textbook was...

9 years ago

MARK 1010

Quite a basic course, but good to understand the essentials of marketing. However the tutor I had wa...

9 years ago

MARK 2007

Very interesting and unique perspective of looking at advertising, consistently backed up by evidenc...

9 years ago

MARK 1008

Make sure to consistently keep up to date with the tutorials, as the questions asked in them are ver...

9 years ago


good solid base for understanding the economy. good business based subject without studying numbers...

9 years ago


Theory and delivery both very good. Subject matter was interesting. Course coordinator was great.

9 years ago


Course seemed very disorganised. Theory was ok but delivery was subpar.

9 years ago


This subject is a great one to start off your studies. You learn time management skills and to read...

10 years ago


It's a great subject - flows straight on from ACG 11. It's a lot of work but if you do all the readi...

10 years ago


It's not hard if you do ALL the reading and tutorial activities. Make sure you attend the Virtual Cl...

10 years ago

ECON 1008

Basic economics course. Use the study guide regularly and the exam will be a breeze.

10 years ago

ACCT 1008

Practice, practice and practice. A HD in this course is very achievable.

10 years ago


Good course, good introduction to the programs

10 years ago


An unit that displays some of the many difficulties in trying to enforce the IAS on NFP and gov orga...

10 years ago


A really interesting topic that lifts the perspective from journal entries into what impact accounti...

10 years ago

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