Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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View all BCMB20002 notesBCMB20002 Comprehensive H1 94 Notes
These notes comprehensively and concisely cover all 11 modules of lecture content. The text is brigh...
34 pages, 16976 words
✅ These notes summarise the ENTIRE EXAMINABLE CONTENT of BCMB20002, and can therefore be used as a...
263 pages, 31572 words
2019 S2 BCMB20002 Notes
This note is written throughout the semester, and covers ALL the details you need to know on this su...
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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (H1, 84) --Comprehensive Subject Notes
A complete set of notes for BioChem covering all area of studies that you would ever need. It follow...
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BCMB20002: Amino Acids Cheat Sheet
Simple and concise cheat sheet, summarising all amino acids covered in this course. By this ONE...
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BCMB20002 H1 93 Notes
These notes comprehensively cover the lecture content for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. All le...
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BCMB20002 H1 notes (Detailed glossy for BCMB)
This note is a detailed glossy that is easy to understand. Especially ideal for international studen...
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H1 Biochemistry Molecular Biology Notes BCMB20002
I usually spend 2-3 hours on my notes for each lecture. By using these notes I was able to get a H1....
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BCMB20002 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Clear and Detailed H1 Notes
For Biochemistry I wrote brief notes in class then cleaned them up and cross-checked with references...
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H1 (94) BCMB20002 Complete Lecture Notes
I constructed these comprehensive (typed) notes throughout semester. I used them as my primary sourc...
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I am a final-year Doctor of Medicine student at the University of Melbourne, having graduated in 201...
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I'm a BSc (Hons), Pharmacology graduate (2019) from Unimelb. I then started a PhD in stem cell resea...
Score 99: I loved this subject!!! I heard that this subject is super work heavy and lots of people fail this subject, but this subject was honestly amazing and the highlight of my 2 years at uni. Both Terry and Heather were amazing at teaching and tutorials were very interesting. PLEASE GO TO TUTORIALS. You will see that MSTs are heavily based on tutorials. GO TO THEM or at least watch all recordings, but go to them live so that you can ask questions! As for the exam, make sure to do the LMS practice exam, twice, trust me! The exam SAQ molecular biology (Heather’s modules) are a little similar to the practice exam and tutorial questions, so just know how to identify mutations. As for Terry’s modules in the exam, think about the things he emphasised in the tutorial, and also MST feedback, and it’s also a little similar to the practice exam on LMS but with some tweaks. I recommend practising different metabolism disease questions e.g how does that affect blood glucose levels, ATP etc. Also the assignments are marked extremely harshly, so don’t make mistakes like writing ph instead of pH because you will be deducted marks haha. For anyone wondering how I studied for this subject, I would always watch next week’s module ahead of the current week, and then when it comes to tutorial I can revise that week’s tutorial since it was a week apart when I watched it and the tutorial if that makes sense lol. That way I get more revision in. Also, I REALLY recommend answering all learning outcome questions. There are some things I find hard to memorise in long term memory, so I wrote all those things in notes and then right before exam I tried to cram that in. You can try that to see if it helps, but honestly I don’t think the content is difficult, and questions are based on tutorials so H1 is very achievable I think. Content was really interesting and I truly enjoyed this subject. Final thing, if you wanted the award ($1000) make sure to do techniques in molecular science too, since there is no award for this subject only but I only realised after I finished my exam rip. So don’t make the same mistake I did! Anyway, good luck for this subject!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024
Interesting subject. There's lots of content to get through, so make sure you stay on top of the weekly modules because it'd be hard to catchup if you're 2 or more weeks behind. The content itself isn't very difficult, but the sheer volume of content is the difficult part. The weekly quizzes are easy enough to get >90% on, however, the written assessments are marked harshly imo, so make sure to ask a lot of questions during the tutorials abt the written assessments so you're clear as to what's required. MST MCQs are tough, but it is possible to score well provided you attend tutorials and do a lot of practice, and I also think the SAQ section isn't too bad, since Terry has an extensive marking criteria that awards marks for basically anything that's related to the question. The exam was also very fair, not too difficult and not too easy, make sure to attend/watch tutorials since many exam questions mirror the tutorial's. H1 is achievable if you put in a good amount of effort.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
Just completed this subject, and all I have to say is that I would not have done it if it wasn't a pre req for my major. The content was heavy but manageable, and the tutorials were very helpful - so make sure if you do this subject go to, or watch the tutorials. Terry and Heather are good teachers, but not good when it comes to marking and generalised feedback. The average for the written section in both the MST's were bad - including the second MST which was 45 percent. We got an email both times blaming the poor average on that we did not go to the tutorials (more than the average attended the tutorials). This was super frustrating and not helpful at all. Do not take this subject if you don't have to. If you do have to, be prepared to put in a lot of effort.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
Totally agree on previous comments that this subject is super content heavy. There are so many things to remember (especially turning on-campus exam). However, if you are interested in biochem, this subject is quite interesting and enjoyable (most of time). I gotta say Terry and Heather are really good at teaching, and the tutorials are super helpful!!!! Many questions from MSTs and Exam are derived from tutorial questions. The difficulty for MSTs and Exam was a bit difficult, but I rekon it is still managable. Overall, hard but interesting subject for me. :D Hope this helps
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
Not a good subject. It's a pre-req for a lot, but if you can avoid it, DO! The content itself is pretty manageable, I got an H1 81, but the workload is heaps, the assessments are brutal and the marks harsh, and Terry and Heather can sometimes be downright a-holes. Not worth the effort and frustration.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
This subject is really interesting and Terry and Heather are wonderful teachers, but the assignments and exams are so harsh they ruined this subject a bit for me. I took this subject as a science elective outside my major, so if anyone else is looking to do that I would strongly suggest that you take time to think about it, this subject is very intense.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Grade: 86. Fantastic subject. You can just tell that Terry and Heather are just so good at what they do. They're super engaging and good at explaining concepts in an introductory manner. The subject set up, I think is organised perfectly in 11 modules covering 1 module a week with roughly 10-12 short vids on each module. It's super easy to follow along and the videos are short, but extremely well-made and the concepts very well explained in a concise manner. Yes, its relatively content-heavy, but if you keep up with the videos every week, that shouldn't worry you. The assessment is also great, you have 1 small quiz every week to help you keep up with the modules that accounts for 1% each, 3 small assignments worth 3% each, 2 MST worth 15% each and the exam worth 50%. They really help test yourself throughout the semester to make sure that by exam time you can be very confident in the types of questions they're going to ask. Honestly cannot say enough good things about the subject. You should have a drive for the biosciences, but I see anyone enjoying it just purely based on how interesting and well-taught it is.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Worse subject ever, Terry marks way too harsh and expects use to write answers that we have not even been taught of!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Interesting and very well taught, but you have to be self motivated and work consistently. Because there is no set lecture time, you have to set your own pace to keep up with assignments and tutes. Assessment was difficult but fair, although I felt Terry marked the written sections of assignments and MSTs very harshly - I averaged in the 90s in MC sections and 50s in the short answer sections of the MSTs. Luckily they are not worth as much. I found Heather's section more enjoyable, sadly it is only 1/3rd of the subject.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
This is not an easy subject, but I found it very rewarding. I really enjoyed the self paced learning, and when I went to the tunes they were quite helpful. You absolutely Need to go to the tutes if you want to do well in the written assignments, but they are less necessary for the MSTs and exam. The exam was very fair and I was pleasantly surprised with my mark given that I hadn’t done any chemistry in 4 years. I particularly enjoyed the last few weeks after just barely making it through metabolism.