Introduction To Programming
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$25 per hour
Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...
$75 per hour
I am a gradute from University of Melbourne, with Bachelor of Commerce, Major in Actuarial Studies a...
$90 per hour
PhD student in Electrical Engineering, MSc and BSc in communication systems. I have taught more tha...
$55 per hour
Hi 👋 I'm a Unimelb grad with a BSc in Computing and an MEng in Software. Currently a senior mobile...
$75 per hour
PhD student in Electronics and Signal Processing Engineering with an MSc and BSc in Electronics Engi...
This subject is very bad!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
A bit of a waste of a subject, can easily learn the same content in an online youtube video. Still good to go through it formally and weekly.